What are peoples veiws on prescription drug addiction ?

Question by :o) bugsbee: What are peoples veiws on prescription drug addiction ?
im writting an opinion paper on prescription drug addiction…& i need help on some differnt veiws. are the doctors to blame ? Pharmacy ? Are there any “white coat dealers ”

Best answer:

Answer by Snake Charmer
The government is to blame. They are aware that many of these drugs are addictive but refuse to do anything about it b/c they want the pharmaceutical companies to make money.

What do you think? Answer below!



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Prescription And Synthetic Drug Abuse

Filed under: prescription drug addiction help

Waynesville's Police Chief says the use of prescription and synthetic drugs is a growing problem. Bill Hollingsed says one in four investigated deaths in Haywood county is the result of prescription drug abuse. Waynesville police are participating in a …
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