Are people inside drug rehabs taught about the importance of good nutrition?

Question by James: Are people inside drug rehabs taught about the importance of good nutrition?
I’m just wondering, are people inside drug rehabs taught about the importance of good nutrition? I just realized that getting addicted to drugs cause a lot of side effects that harms the body. Are they encouraged to do activities that will help them regain their health back? I’m just curious.

Best answer:

Answer by jimmy
During their stay in rehabilitation treatment centers, patients are encouraged to live a healthy life. They are advised to be involved in different sporting activities or fitness exercises to help them loosen up a bit. They are given healthy meals and relaxing baths to ensure good nutrition and calm disposition. They are taught by nutritionists about the importance of taking care of their bodies and the benefits of treating themselves right. For more information, you can check out my sources.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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