Drug addiction?
Question by …: Drug addiction?
What happens to a drug addict? What damges do drugs do in theyr body?
Do you belive that drug addiction is far more worse thatn alcohol addiction???
Best answer:
Answer by PhatPheline
alcohol is a drug…in the end, it’s all damage and usually death
Answer by Jose t
Drug addicts usually go mad, they lose their lives, no one likes them, DONT DO IT!! It will kill you and if it doesn’t you will be in the hospital. As for alchol they are just as bad if you are drunk you will not be thinking straight and you might make bad decisions (Random sex, Drug abuse etc.) take it from a doctor dont do any of it.
-Dr. Jose
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers To Treatment
Of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million people received aid at a specialty facility, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Heroin addicts are a …
Read more on NPR
Former addicts help other women struggling with drugs and booze
The home serves women who have had multiple issues including drug and alcohol addictions and homelessness. (Michael Chritton/Akron Beacon …. The 13-year-old's body was found in a vacant house on East Avenue. The child had been raped and …
Read more on Akron Beacon Journal
Alcohol and your Brain — An amazing 3D representation on the effect alcohol has on your body and brain. Find out more about the metabolism of alcohol and what is Blood Alcohol Concen…
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