Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers | Alcoholism Drug Treatment


Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers | Alcoholism Drug Treatment – http://rehabinoklahoma.net Drug Alcohol Treatment Centers treat patients with drug, alcohol, cocaine, heroin, and other additions through counseling, sober l…


Passages Ventura Addiction Treatment Center Celebrates Its Four Year

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Passages Ventura, sister facility of the world renowned non-12 step Passages Malibu addiction treatment center, celebrates four years of treating thousands of clients for drug and alcohol dependency this May 17, 2013. Founded by father and son team …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


Despite crime rate, Santa Cruz County sends few to prison

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

Take Back Santa Cruz co-founder Analicia Cube said locking everyone up is not the best answer, and believes services such as local drug treatment programs need to be expanded. "What we want to see is every single person let out of jail to have a chance …
Read more on Santa Cruz Sentinel


Down the rabbit hole

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment centers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this year classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic responsible for 60 percent of all overdose deaths in 2010 — the 11th straight year such deaths have risen in the United States. The number of …
Read more on Tonawanda News