how to stop addiction?
Question by Brendino: how to stop addiction?
I am addicted to cigarettes.
I am addicted to prescriptions pills.
I need to stop and I know I can so don’t say “talk to family” or anything like that. I know i COULD stop. Its a huge waste of money. I have phychosis/ mild schizophrenia from the drugs combined with marijuana..
From any former addict of anything. what did you do to stop? how will i fill the huge void in my life? (drugs and cigarettes make up 60% of my life. Whenever I go out I smoke. alot. I just need to know what to do once I am done.
Please dont say that i need medical help or a treatment program. I am independant I dont rely on progrms like that they don’t work for me. I have tried it a long time ago.
Best answer:
Answer by ardnek326
Maybe try to start with smoking e- cigarettes. I attatched a link below. This is a really good way to stop smoking if going “cold turkey” is too difficult. Also, try to chew gum or have a toothpick on hand. As far as the pills go, you are just going to have to go through withdrawls. It sucks, but you can do it. It helps to have a little exercise. Even if you just find a park and walk around for 10 minutes, you will be suprised how much better you will feel. Just try to set your goals and accomplish them in a reasonable amount of time. Shayloss is a great goal reaching video.
Answer by Daniel
Well, programs do work but not for everyone. I can help with the smokes because I quit smoking not too long ago. You can take 2 approaches. You can cut down gradually or you can just go cold turkey. I quit cold turkey. It sucks for the first 3-4 days. Thats when you really get hard withdrawals. Thats about how long it takes nicotene to be out of your system. But your not out of the ball park yet. It will take another 2-3 weeks to completely kick the addiction because your use to the habbit. I used caffiene and tylonel for the first 3-4 days to make it through the withdrawal. after that i used tooth picks and i didnt hang around anyone that smoked. there were some people that i couldnt help but be around so i asked them to hold out on me and not give me any cigarettes and asked them to not smoke around me. it took me 2 or 3 tries to finaly quit but i made it. smoke free for 4 months now and going strong. family and friends can be good support. good luck on your road to freedom.
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