SD panel kills bill to drug test people on welfare – San Francisco Chronicle

SD panel kills bill to drug test people on welfare – San Francisco Chronicle

SD panel kills bill to drug test people on welfare
San Francisco Chronicle
Opponents said there are already systems in place to protect children in households with drug abuse and said the measure would discriminate against low-income people. "This bill is really bad policy. It's based on the perception that there's a large

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san francisco drug abuse – Google News

Jails Enroll Inmates in Obamacare to Pass Hospital Costs to US – MSN Money

Jails Enroll Inmates in Obamacare to Pass Hospital Costs to US
MSN Money
Proponents say it also will make recidivism rarer, because inmates released with coverage are more likely to get treatment for mental illness, substance abuse and other conditions that can lead them to crime. “When someone gets discharged from the jail

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san francisco drug abuse – Google News

Geraldo Rivera: Smack Is Back, Blame The Pot Prohibition – Fox News Latino

Geraldo Rivera: Smack Is Back, Blame The Pot Prohibition
Fox News Latino
Heroin users don't usually die from bad dope, they die from good dope; accidentally overdosing when the drug they are shooting is cheap and potent and right now heroin is cheaper and stronger than ever. After the deaths of the superstars and of those

san francisco drug abuse – Google News

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