What does my recurring dream of San Diego mean?
Question by : What does my recurring dream of San Diego mean?
When I was younger it was my dream to some day live in San Diego. I wanted this very consistently for a number of years. Sometimes I still think of what it would be like to live there and how it would differ from where I live now. I currently reside in the SF bay area and keep having recurring dreams that I am in San Diego. The dream itself is never the same but the location is consistent. I often decide to drive down there on a whim and it is always very easy to get there, taking only a couple hours (in reality it would take about 7-8 hours). A number of different things have happened there and they are neither pleasant nor unpleasant, usually. I often find myself wandering around the city, searching for something that interests me or gets my attention, but I always end up thinking “this just isn’t San Francisco. There are no interesting people here and all the houses look boring. Nothing is artsy or fabulous.” I had one very vivid dream recently where I was there with my dad. My father and I no longer speak because of his drug addiction. This dream happened after a reiki healing session in which I had the intention to overcome my thyroid condition, specifically so I would stop losing hair. At some point I decided to wander away from my dad and explore the city. There were drunk people everywhere acting really stupid, running around naked and urinating off balconies. Eventually I decided I had had enough, that there was nothing interesting about the city, and tried to find my way back to the hotel I was staying at with my dad. I can always fly in my dreams, and I tried to fly but found myself holding my “treasure box,” a little tin hello kitty box I have had since I was 6 years old. I couldn’t fly while holding onto it. I looked inside and I don’t remember what was in it but it seems it was a bunch of useless crap I didn’t need. Still, I couldn’t let go of it, so I couldn’t fly. I decided to walk to try and find the hotel. I walked into a restaurant and asked where the hotel was and no one could help me. I tried calling my dad on my cell but I couldn’t punch in the right numbers. I found myself just walking around the restaurant helplessly, and right before I awoke I was running my fingers through my hair and it came out in clumps, just like it does when my thyroid is low. I was very angry and frustrated, and the emotions woke me up. Any ideas on symbolism would be appreciated 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by J Stone
The purpose of this dream was your subconscious telling you that you should stay in San Fran. Think about it, in your dream there were numerous incidents that gave you the impression that San Diego is not a good place to live in. People were urinating off balconies, drunk people were everywhere, “There are no interesting people here and all the houses look boring. Nothing is artsy or fabulous”, and especially your “treasure box” didn’t have any treasures, rather it had “a bunch of useless crap”. Then, when you went to the restaurant nobody could help you find the hotel, you became angry and frustrated, and your hair fell out in clumps.
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